Because we all need one, though this one is still WIP.
This style guide was based off the Poor Man's Styleguide created by Bryan Braun.
This be a h1 header
This be a h2 header
This be a h3 header
This be a h4 header
This be a h5 header
This be a h6 header
Headings with Text
Heading 1
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears candy. Gummi bears jelly apple pie toffee candy canes. Marshmallow oat cake pie lollipop ice cream apple pie oat cake. Gummies dragée candy canes.
Heading 2
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears candy. Gummi bears jelly apple pie toffee candy canes. Marshmallow oat cake pie lollipop ice cream apple pie oat cake. Gummies dragée candy canes.
Heading 3
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears candy. Gummi bears jelly apple pie toffee candy canes. Marshmallow oat cake pie lollipop ice cream apple pie oat cake. Gummies dragée candy canes.
Heading 4
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears candy. Gummi bears jelly apple pie toffee candy canes. Marshmallow oat cake pie lollipop ice cream apple pie oat cake. Gummies dragée candy canes.
Heading 5
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears candy. Gummi bears jelly apple pie toffee candy canes. Marshmallow oat cake pie lollipop ice cream apple pie oat cake. Gummies dragée candy canes.
Heading 6
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears candy. Gummi bears jelly apple pie toffee candy canes. Marshmallow oat cake pie lollipop ice cream apple pie oat cake. Gummies dragée candy canes.
Generic content
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet applicake brownie lollipop apple pie sugar plum jujubes. Macaroon oat cake gummi bears muffin applicake ice cream liquorice gummi bears. Cheesecake sweet caramels brownie candy biscuit.
Powder wafer bear claw lollipop oat cake gummi bears. Bonbon marshmallow candy. Carrot cake candy canes chupa chups gummi bears. Cupcake donut sweet roll gingerbread.
Gummies bonbon cookie lollipop jujubes powder cupcake. Gummies cotton candy bear claw cupcake chupa chups jujubes. Soufflé cheesecake gummies danish soufflé danish cookie soufflé muffin. Ice cream dessert marzipan jelly cake jelly-o lemon drops.
"Computers will not be perfected until they can compute how much more than the estimate the job will cost."
Text Elements
The a element example
The abbr element and an abbr element with title examples
The ACRONYM element example
The b element example
The cite element example
The code element
The em element example
The del element example
The dfn element and dfn element with title examples
The i element example
The ins element example
The kbd element example
The mark element example
The q element
The q element
a q element
The s element example
The samp element example
The small element example
The span element example
The strong element example
The sub element example
The sup element example
The u element example
The var element example
Monospace / Preformatted
Code block wrapped in "pre" and "code" tags
// Loop through Divs using Javascript.
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div'), i;
for (i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i) {
divs[i].style.color = "green";
Monospace Text wrapped in "pre" tags
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl.
List Types
Ordered List
- List Item 1
- List Item 2
- List Item 3
Unordered List
- List Item 1
- List Item 2
- List Item 3
Definition List
- Definition List Term 1
- This is a definition list description.
- Definition List Term 2
- This is a definition list description.
- Definition List Term 3
- This is a definition list description.
Table Header 1 | Table Header 2 | Table Header 3 |
Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 |
Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 |
Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 |
Media and Form Elements
This last section contains elements that don't render well in markdown. Please consult the final section in index.html, to see the rest of the styleguide.
The Audio Element:
The Video Element:
Form Elements
The Fieldset: