
Making CSS from Good to Great

The Power of Subgrid

Chen Hui Jing / @hj_chen

🇸🇬 Singlish edition 🇸🇬

😏 Singlish-o-meter 🤔

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Chen Hui Jing

Singlish lesson: Tok Kong

Hokkien term meaning “superb” or “top of the line”.
In Mandarin, it's possible to write it as “督公 (dū gōng)
“Have you used CSS grid to build layout? It's super tok kong!”

Source: The Coxford Singlish Dictionary

Nexmo Developer Relations

🥑 Developer Advocate 🥑


Web layouts over the years

No layout

Singlish lesson: Swee

Hokkien for “pretty” or “beautiful”. Also used to describe something as properly or correctly done.
“This layout do until very swee leh.”

Source: The Coxford Singlish Dictionary

Table-based layout
Nested boxes

Singlish lesson: Jia lat

Hokkien adjective literally meaning "to eat strength". Means that a task is onerous and consumes one's energy. Can sometimes be used to denote being in trouble.
“Have you inspected Twitter lately? The markup nest until very jia lat leh.”

Source: The Coxford Singlish Dictionary

Float-based layout
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Singlish lesson: Senget

Malay for “slanted” or “crooked”.
“How come the last item in the row senget wan?”

Source: The Coxford Singlish Dictionary

Panel-style from frameworks
Tweet by Jon Gold on how all websites these days use 1 of 2 layouts

Block layout

designed for laying out documents

block layout

Inline layout

designed for laying out text

inline layout

Table layout

designed for laying out 2D data in a tabular format

table layout

Positioned layout

designed for very explicit positioning without much regard for other elements in the document

positioned layout

Flexible box layout

describes a CSS box model optimised for user interface design and designed for laying out more complex applications and webpages

Grid layout

Defines a two-dimensional grid-based layout system,
optimised for user interface design.

Why is CSS grid special?

“Grid works from the container in,
other layout methods start with the item
Rachel Andrew

Layout technique: inline-block

Item A

Item B

Item C

Item D

Item E

Item F

Layout technique: float

Item A

Item B

Item C

Item D

Item E

Item F

Layout technique: flex

Item A

Item B

Item C

Item D

Item E

Item F

Grid is the only layout technique that establishes a relationship between rows and columns of grid items.

Basics of CSS Grid

Define your grid.

Define a grid

Place items in the grid.

Place items in the grid

Grid terminology

Grid terminology

Singlish lesson: Si bei

Originated from Teochew, means “very” or “extremely”
Literally translates to “死父 (sǐ fù) ” or “dead father”
“The CSS grid roll-out in 2017 was sibei successful.”

Browser support for Grid (Level 1)

Data on support for the css-grid feature across the major browsers from

Using DevTools to learn Grid

Live demo QR code for link to example page

What's in Grid Level 2?

    Level 2 expands Grid by:
  • adding “subgrid” capabilities for nested grids to participate in the sizing of their parent grids
  • aspect-ratio–controlled gutters

Why do we need subgrid?

Card style layout Speaker cards Inline form labels and inputs

The subgrid syntax

Same properties, more values

grid-template-columns: subgrid <line-name-list>?
grid-template-rows: subgrid <line-name-list>?

The subgrid keyword indicates to the browser the nested grid will use the same sizing as its parent along the relevant axis.

.subgrid-container {
  grid-columns: 2 / 5; /* placement for the subgrid container itself */

  display: grid; /* you must still apply a display: grid to the subgrid */
  grid-template-columns: subgrid;
  grid-template-rows: subgrid;
Nested boxes

Using DevTools to learn Subgrid

Live demo QR code for link to example page

Browser support for subgrid

Data on support for the css-subgrid feature across the major browsers from


Thanks sia 🤗





Header font is Ostrich Sans by Tyler Finck.
Body font is Libre Baskerville by Pablo Impallari.